Cover Crops USA

Speak with our agronomists (800) 383-6607

NutriBuilder Mix

N-Vest® NutriBuilder Mix is a combination of winterhardy Annual Ryegrass, AU Robin Crimson Clover, and GroundHog cover crop Radishes. This mix both produces and scavenges nitrogen.

Benefits of NutriBuilder Mix

  • Produces Nitrogen: A good stand of this mix should produce up to 60-100 pounds of N/acre.
  • Scavenges Nitrogen: Tests have shown GroundHog Cover Crop Radishes have scavenged as much as 130 pounds of N/acre (tops and tubers combined with manure applied). According to multi-state research, Annual Ryegrass can scavenge well over 300 pounds of N/acre.

Planting Tips

  • Planting Rate: 20-25#/acre
  • Planting Depth: 1/2" - 3/4" deep
  • Planting Time: July to early September (plant at least 6 weeks before killing frost)

Photo above shows what NutriBuilder looked like in the Spring of 2010. This was planted following wheat.

Each species in the NutriBuilder Mix has roots that provide an "earthworm heaven!" The photo above comes from a NutriBuilder plot.

Call today to speak with our agronomists, or to place your order! (800) 383-6607